Thank you for traveling with me on this important journey...

My name is Lisa Teske. On October 10, I will depart for Cebu City, Philippines on a 10-day medical mission with Rotaplast International. I will represent the Columbia Center Rotary Club and Rotary International District 5080 alongside of a team of 25 people (medical and non-medical volunteers) who work to correct more than 100 cleft palate conditions in local children. My primary function will be to manage the medical records, but I will also spend some of my time communicating the importance of our work and the impact on the lives of our patients.

While participating in this mission, I hope to improve myself through service, particularly in a challenging medical environment where I'm not naturally composed, and to learn more about Filipino culture. Each day is sure to teach me something new!

For more information about Rotaplast, I encourage you to visit their site at And to learn more about Rotary International, contact me and I'll be happy to share more about this amazing organization.

Proud to be a Rotarian. Proud to serve. -- Lisa

Monday, October 17, 2011

The good, the bad, and the ugly – Surgery Day 3

So today’s posts thus far sound like a big old party. But in truth there’s a lot of terrific work going on throughout each day. While the screams and cries of children entering the OR and waking up from anesthesia are still hard to take, I don’t tire of seeing the mothers reunited with their babies and children and the happy expressions of gratitude. That part feels really good!
Recovery room team: Paula (lead nurse), Yvonne (assistant), Pat (nurse),
and Allen (hospital nurse)
Each day we do another walk-in clinic and add patients – some who will have surgery later in the week; others who are not eligible for one reason or another. At the most recent walk-in click, I got hit on by a 6-year-old – well, kind of. This little guy named Ryene walked right in and sat next to me and gave me a “hey baby” look that made me double take. He was clearly more confident than most of the children I’ve registered thus far. I gave him a wink and I’ll be damned if he didn’t give me a “right back atcha” wink. I think I blushed. But I loved that confidence in this little lady-killer in the making.
Ward coordinator Michelle prepares a patient for surgery
later in the day by writing her patient number on her
arm -- a precaution to make sure patients don't get
mixed up.
The good definitely outweighs the bad, but one of today’s bad was worth about ten points. Post surgery, one little boy was recovering and while the assistant wiped what she thought was saliva from his mouth, she got the shock of the day. She wiped and wiped and wiped and discovered that it wasn’t saliva, but rather an 8-inch worm of some kind. They pulled it out and put it in a sink for everyone to look at; of course I wasn’t into it, but everyone felt obligated to share the details with me everytime they passed my desk. I may never eat angel hair pasta again.

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