Thank you for traveling with me on this important journey...

My name is Lisa Teske. On October 10, I will depart for Cebu City, Philippines on a 10-day medical mission with Rotaplast International. I will represent the Columbia Center Rotary Club and Rotary International District 5080 alongside of a team of 25 people (medical and non-medical volunteers) who work to correct more than 100 cleft palate conditions in local children. My primary function will be to manage the medical records, but I will also spend some of my time communicating the importance of our work and the impact on the lives of our patients.

While participating in this mission, I hope to improve myself through service, particularly in a challenging medical environment where I'm not naturally composed, and to learn more about Filipino culture. Each day is sure to teach me something new!

For more information about Rotaplast, I encourage you to visit their site at And to learn more about Rotary International, contact me and I'll be happy to share more about this amazing organization.

Proud to be a Rotarian. Proud to serve. -- Lisa

Monday, October 17, 2011

Party at the governor’s mansion

Governor's mansion
After a long day of work, Saturday evening ended with a banquet and entertainment at the governor’s mansion. The governor of Cebu is a woman, a first for this island state. And, I must say, she’s living really well.
The local Rotarians arranged a beautiful banquet in our honor. After a shower, we met in the lobby, hardly recognizing each other outside of pitted-out scrubs and sweat-covered faces and hair. Everyone looked great in their dress up clothes!

We proceeded to the mansion and were paused out front for official pictures of the group before breaching the entrance. Coming through the doors we were greeted by what looked like 100 chanting students in an array of costumes as we climbed the winding stairs to the second floor. In the ballroom, we were seated at round tables covered in white linens, welcomed, and then excused (ladies first) the buffet table filled with local favorites. While the spread was beautiful, I have to admit that I’ve not taken to the food here. So far, I’m having trouble identifying most of the meat dishes – and I’m not adventurous when it comes to meat. Salads are off limits, which is killing me slowly. Best diet I’ve ever been on. I am losing weight already. I’ll also add at this point that I love what the humidity is doing for my skin. My hair is another story.
Following dinner, we were treated to the talents of a local university dance troupe, who dazzled us with several numbers with colorful props and ornate costuming. It really was a sight to behold. Very talented young people. There also were a few solos by a woman, who had won the Cebu music festival. Then there were pictures. Lots of pictures. Everything we do is documented in photographs over and over. And again. I’ve giggled a little to myself wondering if this is how celebrities feel standing along red carpets while lights flash. Private-citizen Teske is happy to be just that. Private and not photo ready.
In closing, it must be emphasized again what a nice job the local Rotary Club is doing to make us feel welcomed and appreciated. For me, it’s been a gentle way to enter the world of medical missions given some of the stories I’ve heard from the veterans.

Bright, ornate costumes and props were every where

With Carolyn (my mission mother and head nurse)

1 comment:

  1. You deserve the best and it looks as if you are receiving the best of a welcome.

    The humidity is in your favor. Your hair looks fine.

    Congratulations to the world of Medical Missions.
